New Discovery of Natural Hydrogen Deposits Opens Doors for Clean Fuel

Scientists have made an incredible breakthrough in the search for alternative, cleaner fuel sources. They have discovered the largest natural flow of hydrogen gas ever recorded deep within a chromium mine in Albania. This exciting find could potentially revolutionize the way we capture hydrogen for use as clean fuel.

Hydrogen gas has long been sought after as an alternative to fossil fuels due to its ability to be burned without releasing harmful greenhouse gases. However, obtaining natural hydrogen flows has proven to be a challenge. Until now, hydrogen was mainly manufactured from natural gas, a process that consumes a significant amount of energy and emits carbon dioxide.

The discovery in the Bulqizë mine in Albania has changed the game. Initial detections of a flammable gas in the mine sparked further investigations, revealing that it was, in fact, hydrogen. Researchers estimate that this fault in the mine contains anywhere between 5,000 and 50,000 tonnes of hydrogen.

By analyzing the gas as it bubbled through a pool in the mine, scientists confirmed that it consists of 84 percent hydrogen, along with smaller amounts of methane and nitrogen. Calculations showed that the pool emits approximately 11 tonnes of hydrogen per year, equivalent to 34 kilograms a day. When combined with other flows in a borehole and a shaft within the same mine, the total amount of hydrogen passing through the mine reaches around 200 tonnes per year.

This astonishing discovery paves the way for a new primary energy source. The researchers believe that ophiolites, mantle rocks from the oceanic crust that have been transported to continents, have the potential to host high-quality, hydrogen-rich gas reservoirs. They suggest that further significant hydrogen deposits may be waiting to be found beneath other ophiolite outcrops in different locations around the world.

The implications of this breakthrough are significant. Not only does it demonstrate the existence of substantial natural hydrogen flows, but it also highlights the possibility of harnessing this precious resource without relying on fossil fuel-based manufacturing processes. The study opens up new avenues for research and development in the pursuit of a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the recent breakthrough in the search for alternative fuel sources?
– Scientists have discovered the largest natural flow of hydrogen gas ever recorded deep within a chromium mine in Albania.

2. Why is hydrogen gas considered as an alternative to fossil fuels?
– Hydrogen gas can be burned without releasing harmful greenhouse gases, making it a cleaner fuel option.

3. How has hydrogen gas been traditionally obtained?
– Hydrogen gas has mainly been manufactured from natural gas, a process that consumes a significant amount of energy and emits carbon dioxide.

4. What is significant about the discovery in the Bulqizë mine in Albania?
– The discovery of natural hydrogen flows in the mine opens up possibilities for capturing hydrogen as clean fuel without relying on fossil fuel-based manufacturing processes.

5. How much hydrogen has been estimated to be present in the mine?
– The fault in the mine contains anywhere between 5,000 and 50,000 tonnes of hydrogen.

6. What are some other gases present in the mine?
– The hydrogen gas discovered in the mine also contains smaller amounts of methane and nitrogen.

7. How much hydrogen is emitted by the pool in the mine per year?
– The pool in the mine emits approximately 11 tonnes of hydrogen per year, equivalent to 34 kilograms a day.

8. What is the total amount of hydrogen passing through the mine when combined with other flows?
– When combined with other flows in the mine, the total amount of hydrogen passing through reaches around 200 tonnes per year.

9. What is the potential of ophiolites in hosting hydrogen-rich gas reservoirs?
– The researchers suggest that ophiolites, mantle rocks from the oceanic crust transported to continents, have the potential to host high-quality, hydrogen-rich gas reservoirs.

10. Are there possibilities of finding significant hydrogen deposits in other locations?
– Yes, the researchers believe that other ophiolite outcrops in different locations around the world may also contain significant hydrogen deposits.


1. Hydrogen gas: A colorless, odorless, and flammable gas that burns without releasing harmful greenhouse gases. It is considered a potential alternative fuel source.

2. Fossil fuels: Naturally occurring fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals. They release carbon dioxide and contribute to the greenhouse effect.

3. Ophiolites: Mantle rocks from the oceanic crust that have been transported to continents.

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Hydrogen Fuel
Fossil Fuels
Alternative Fuels