CAeS Successfully Develops Safe and Efficient Hydrogen Fuel Cell for Aviation

CAeS, a leading aviation technology company, has achieved a major breakthrough in the development of a hydrogen fuel cell drive train for the aviation industry. The company has successfully integrated a 240kW system into the nacelle, showcasing its ability to overcome unique challenges in adapting fuel cell technology for aviation.

The design team at CAeS faced numerous obstacles in packaging the hydrogen fuel cell, along with its electrical components, cooling equipment, pipe routing, and cable routing. The limited space within the nacelle presented a significant challenge, but the team managed to find innovative solutions.

The forward section of the nacelle now houses the Hydrogen Fuel Cell System (HFCS) itself, the HFCS Balance of Plant (BoP), an electric motor, inverters and controllers, pitch control unit, and all the electrical cabling/routing and cooling systems for the HFCS. Meanwhile, the rear nacelle contains the ground power interface and the high voltage power distribution system, each with its own cooling and packaging challenges.

One of the key achievements of the project was the integration of the HFCS heat exchangers into the structure mounted around the existing main landing gear. This required careful planning, iterative design, and close coordination with partners Reaction Engines to ensure optimal performance.

By successfully solving the packaging and thermal management challenges, CAeS has reached a significant milestone in its quest for commercializing zero-emissions technology. The development of a safe, certifiable, and commercially viable hydrogen fuel cell drive train marks a major step towards certification and widespread adoption in the aviation market.

Jenny Kavanagh, Chief Strategy Officer at CAeS, emphasized the importance of this achievement, stating, “Before proceeding to ground and flight test, we had to ensure that we had solved the packaging and thermal management challenges that underpin the commercial viability of the technology.” With this milestone now accomplished, CAeS is moving forward to the next stage of the project and preparing for the manufacturing and testing campaign.

This breakthrough also opens up opportunities for CAeS to explore the integration of the HFCS into other aircraft platforms and applications. Furthermore, their collaboration with Dronamics for zero-emissions middle-mile cargo UAVs demonstrates the potential applications of this innovative technology beyond traditional aviation.

CAeS’ successful development of a safe and efficient hydrogen fuel cell drive train sets a new standard in aviation technology and brings us closer to a sustainable and zero-emissions future for the industry.

FAQ Section:

1. What is CAeS?
CAeS is a leading aviation technology company specializing in the development of innovative technologies for the aviation industry.

2. What breakthrough has CAeS achieved?
CAeS has achieved a major breakthrough in the development of a hydrogen fuel cell drive train for aviation.

3. What challenges did the design team at CAeS face?
The design team faced challenges in packaging the hydrogen fuel cell, along with its electrical components, cooling equipment, pipe routing, and cable routing. Limited space within the nacelle posed a significant challenge.

4. Where was the Hydrogen Fuel Cell System (HFCS) integrated?
The forward section of the nacelle now houses the HFCS itself, along with other components such as the electric motor, inverters and controllers, and cooling systems.

5. What achievements were made in terms of integration?
One key achievement was the integration of the HFCS heat exchangers into the structure mounted around the main landing gear. This required careful planning and design collaboration.

6. What does this breakthrough mean for CAeS?
This breakthrough brings CAeS closer to commercializing zero-emissions technology for aviation and marks a major step towards certification and widespread adoption in the market.

7. What is the next stage of the project for CAeS?
With the packaging and thermal management challenges solved, CAeS is moving forward to the next stage of the project, which involves manufacturing and testing.

8. What opportunities does this breakthrough open up?
The breakthrough opens up opportunities for CAeS to explore the integration of the HFCS into other aircraft platforms and applications. The collaboration with Dronamics for zero-emissions cargo UAVs demonstrates further potential applications.


– Nacelle: The streamlined enclosure housing an aircraft engine.

Related Links:
CAeS Official Website